Yatsko's Linguistic Informatics

On this page you can download the latest linguistic software created by V.A. Yatsko and his team. All computer programs available on this site are distributed as freeware.
Currently the following software is available for download.
Y-Sets application
With the help of Y-Sets the user can get statistics about texts and perform intersection and differentiation operations to find words that occur in all of the texts and in separate texts. This application has been designed to process English and Russian .txt files in UTF 8 encoding on Windows machines. You can download Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10 32 bit, and Windows 10 64 bit versions. Note that Windows 7 32 bit version also works on Windows 10 machines.
These versions of the application provide its fast launch. The application folder has multiple files. Find Y-Sets.exe file and double click it to launch the application.
Download Windows 10 32 bit version (multiple files, fast launch)
Download Windows 7 32 bit version (multiple files, fast launch)
These versions launch slower (about 20 seconds) but have only an .exe file.
Download Windows 10 64 bit version
Download Windows 10 32 bit version
Download Windows 7 32 bit version
Y-Structurer application
This application has been designed to help the user represent hierarchical discourse structure. It draws connective lines and arrows automatically after the user has split the text into sections in a semi-automatic mode.
The application works on 64 bit Windows machines
Download the application from this site: https://00eaeac2-f370-432f-9da8-439102e1e6bf.usrfiles.com/archives/00eaea_ec1113632d3a4482880628975d1ef33e.rar
TF*IDF Ranker
This application allows getting TF*IDF scores for the text under analysis. It comes in two versions, the one that supports English, and the version that supports English and Russian. The application works on all Windows machines but requires .Net Framework.
Download the English version: https://00eaeac2-f370-432f-9da8-439102e1e6bf.usrfiles.com/archives/00eaea_246d562847d648f482d29be279760a23.zip
Download English and Russian version: https://00eaeac2-f370-432f-9da8-439102e1e6bf.usrfiles.com/archives/00eaea_654148903dfc40dba8c61ab47f03eff2.zip
Compare application
This application is intended for experts in comparative linguistics who can find the degree of overlap between basic dictionaries of two languages and then calculate by Swadesh's formula time depth separating them. The application works on all Windows machines.
Download Compare from this site
This is a Russian stemmer that employs a hybrid algorithm to provide high quality text processing results. The stemmer is distributed as a stand alone application for testing and educational purposes.
Download it from this site
Y-TAGGRU is a Russian POS tagger designed to identify various types of phrases. The tagger works on Windows machines and processes .txt files in UTF-8 encoding.
Download the tagger from this site
Y-Mining is an opinion mining system localized for Russian that allows getting scores that reflect users' sentiments about certain products and services.​
Download the tagger from this site
Y-Classifier is an automatic text document classification application that allows finding the class (genre, thematic category), to which the text under analysis belongs. It supports English and Russian.
Download the application from this site
More to come