Yatsko's Linguistic Informatics

This page focuses on the linguistic software created by Dr. V.A. Yatsko and his team. Most of the applications and programs listed here can be downloaded from this site.
The following software was developed by Dr. V.A. Yatsko and his team
Stemmers for English and Russian
Part-of-speech taggers for English and Russian
TF*IDF Ranker.
Y-Sets - an application for statistical text processing.
Y-Mining - an application for opinion mining of Russian texts.
Y-Structurer - an application for representing text's hierarchical structure.
Linguistic Toolbox - a conordancer with a built-in English POS tagger.
Translation In Teaching English (TITE) system to be used for language teaching purposes.
Partially Automated Summarization System (PASS) to be used for language teaching purposes.
Universal Summarizer (UNIS) that employs an adaptive text summarization technique.
Event Tracking Summarizer (ETS) that can identify main topics of the text under summarization.
Compare - a small program to be used in comparative linguistics.