Yatsko's Linguistic Informatics

This page features main publications that reflect Dr. V.A. Yatsko's theoretical concepts. Many of the publications in English listed here were published in Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics journal (ADML). For a detailed description and full versions go to the ResearchGate site
NOTE that the last name is also spelt Iatsko.
Yatsko, V.A. Problems and methods of automatic text document classification. In ADML, 2021, num. 6.
Yatsko, V.A. A new method of automatic text document classification. In ADML, 2021, num. 3, pp. 122-133.
Yatsko, V.A. A Methodology of using a concordancer and table processor for authorship attribution. In ADML, 2020, num. 5, pp. 269-274.
Yatsko, V.A. The criteria for classification of linguistic technologies. 2020. In Nauchno technicheskaya informatsia. Ser.2, 2020, num. 8, pp. 30-38. (English translation, available on request)
Yatsko, V.A. Informatics, Information Science, and Computer Science. In Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 2018, num. 4, pp. 235-240.
Yatsko, V.A. Another tagger. 2018. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28859.52007/1. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326404584_Another_tagger
Yatsko, V.A. Bayes theorem and a methodology for prediction of US presidential elections results November 2017 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26956.31365/1 URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321148606_Bayes_theorem_and_a_methodology_for_prediction_of_US_presidential_elections_results
Yatsko, V.A. The principles for the investigation of the historical development of computer science. In Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 2017, num. 4, pp. 207-214
Yatsko, V.A. Distinctive features of the structure of linguistic ontology. In ADML, 2017, num. 3, pp. 149-158.
Yatsko, V.A. Evaluation of the efficiency of the chi-square metric. In ADML, 2016, num. 4, pp. 173-178.
Yatsko, V.A. Zonal text processing. In Digital scholarship in the humanities, 2016, vol., issue 4, pp. 773-781.
Yatsko, V.A. Automatic text classification method based on Zipf's law. In ADML, 2015, num. 3, pp. 83-88.
Yatsko, V.A. The method of zonal correlation text analysis. In ADML, 2014, num. 5, pp. 259-263.
Yatsko, V.A. Computational linguistics or linguistic informatics? In ADML, 2014, no 3, pp.149-157.
Yatsko, V., Yatsko, T. Predication analysis of English possessive sentences. In Linguistik online, vol. 63, num. 1.
Yatsko, V., Yatsko, T. Towards possessive sentences classification in English. In Linguistics and literature studies, 2013, vol.1, pp. 37-42.
Yatsko, V.A. Positional-semantic approach to proper names recognition. In International journal of computational linguistics and natural language processing, 2013, vol.2, issue 6, pp.385-387. URL: https://00eaeac2-f370-432f-9da8-439102e1e6bf.usrfiles.com/ugd/00eaea_6edb852ba47143e3a0d57e16e49f3ab8.pdf
Yatsko, V.A. TF*IDF Revisited. In International journal of computational linguistics and natural language processing, 2013, vol.2, issue 6, pp.385-387 URL: https://00eaeac2-f370-432f-9da8-439102e1e6bf.usrfiles.com/ugd/00eaea_d65f42f9f4794b8cb80bcac2a4f112bc.pdf
Yatsko, V. A. Problems and algorithms оf text decomposition by clauses. In: ADML, 2012, vol. 46, num. 3, pp. 146-152.
Yatsko, V. A. The interpretation of Bradford’s law in terms of geometric progression In: ADML, 2012, vol. 46, num. 2, pp. 112–117.
Yatsko, V. A. Methods and algorithms for automatic text analysis In: ADML, 2011, vol. 45, num. 5, pp. 224–231.
Yatsko, V. A. and Starikov, M. S. On the experience of designing an ontology for automatic analysis of user sentiments about commercial products. In: ADML, 2011, vol. 45, num. 4, pp. 163–168.
Yatsko V. A., Starikov M. S., Butakov A.V. Automatic genre recognition and adaptive text summarization. In: ADML, 2010, vol. 44, num. 3, pp.111-120.
Yatsko, V. A. A classification of computer systems used in foreign language education. In: The 4thMatsu09 presentations book, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan, 2009, pp. 272-293. URL: http://web.iec.ehime-u.ac.jp/reinelt/raineruto1/Coverpage.html
Yatsko, V. A., Starikov, M. S., Larchenko, E. V. et al. The algorithms for preliminary text processing: Decomposition, annotation, morphological analysis. In: ADML, 2009, vol. 43, num. 6.
Yatsko, V., Larchenko, E., Starikov, M., Vishnyakov, T. Linguistic Toolbox – package of programs for automatic text analysis. In: Textressourcen und lexikalisches wissen, Berlin, 2008.
Yatsko, V. A., Vishnyakov, T. N. A method for evaluating modern systems of automatic text summarization. In: ADML, 2007, vol. 41, num. 3, pp. 93-103.
Yatsko, V. A., Vishnyakov, T. N. Some problems in the development of systems of automatic text summarization. In: ADML, 2007, vol. 41, num. 5, pp. 185-193.
Yatsko, V., Kozlov, M. A bilingual translation system in foreign language teaching. In Proceedings of the 11 International conference on speech and computer, St.-Petersburg, 2006, pp. 202-208.
Yatsko, V., Shilov, S., Vishniakov, T. Semi-automatic text summarization and foreign language teaching. In Philologie im Netz, 2005, num. 34, pp. 48-59. URL: http://web.fu-berlin.de/phin/phin34/p34t3.htm
Yatsko, V.A. English syntax for Russian speaking students. A textbook. KSUK Press, 2002, 87 p. URL: https://yadi.sk/i/3hZcP5-kd72yA
Iatsko, V. Linguistic aspects of summarization. In Philologie im Netz, 2001, num. 18. URL: http://web.fu-berlin.de/phin/phin18/p18t3.htm
Iatsko, V. Deep structure of proposition and deep structure of discourse. In Linguistics in Potsdam, № 4, 1998.
Iatsko V. Textual deep structure. In Text, speech, dialogue. Proceedings of the First workshop on text, speech, dialogue-TSD''98, Brno, Czech Republic, September 23-26, 1998.
Yatsko, V.A. Compositional modeling: logical and linguistic principles of a new method of scientific-information activity. In ADML, 1995, vol. 29, num. 6, pp. 23-30.
Yatsko, V.A. Logical-semantic aspects of the concept of alienated knowledge. In ADML, 1993, vol. 27, num. 4, pp. 28-35.
Select works in Russian
37. Яцко В. А. Проблемы предварительной обработки и автоматического анализа текста. 2012, 178 с. (see a summary in English Yatsko_monograp_ATP.pdf)
38. Яцко В. А., Яцко Т.С. Компонентно-предикационный анализ лингвистической категории посессивности. 2011. 196 с. See a summary and contents in English (Yatsko_monograph_predication-componential analysisE.pdf )
39. Яцко В.А. Рассуждение как тип научной речи. ХГУ им. Н.Ф. Катанова, 1998, 182 с., see english_summary.pdf
40. Яцко В.А. Проблемы анализа и реферирования научного текста. ХГУ им. Н.Ф. Катанова, 1996, 128 с.