Yatsko's Linguistic Informatics
Y-Mining System
Y-Mining is an intelligent opinion mining system based on an extensive ontology that includes parametric, syntactic, and semantic terms described in [9] (see "Publications" section).
The systems takes as input a text of user's review and provides as output 1) total score of negative evaluations of a product, 2) total score of positive evaluations, 3) general score calculated as mean arithmetic of the first two scores, 4) specific phrases with their scores. The system's graphic interface has a special section that allows user assessing system's efficiency in terms of precision and recall.
Analysis of users' sentiments about commercial products is of significance for companies that produce these products. Using Y-MINING they can get information about advantages and disadvantages of their products to modify them and develop appropriate marketing policies.
The system works on Windows machines and is localized for Russian. Its experimental version that supports analysis of texts about mobile phones, films, and hotels is distributed as freeware. The system can be localized for other languages to support analysis of any other thematic category.
Here is a screenshot of system's interface.
The system supports processing of .txt files in UTF-8 encoding.
The creation of the system was supported by a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research 16-07-00014